Hello there bloggers! How's your day? In the last couple of weeks we have been working on Soap For our school gala coming up. Just before we proceed, we are raising money for making a new playground for the juniors, since they don't have a playground anymore. Yes, our class made soap for the gala. We got in groups and picked a soap we liked to make. We chose goats milk soap. The process was super easy. We first microwaved some goats milk and glycerin. After that we put together the goats milk and glycerine. Then we added some essence to add a smell.
We mixed for a while and added them to silicone moulds. If you want to go to the gala you're more than welcome! Here are some photos of the soap we (Waitemata) have made:
We also made ads. Ads to attract people to our school gala. We first had to plan it out on a small paper, then once the teacher was convinced, we draw it on the BIG PAPER! Yes, it is really that big. After we drew everything, we used a permanent marker to outline. After all that work, we still need to colour with pastel. UUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Then, at last we would show the teacher. Here is my poster I have made:
What I liked about it: I liked that we were doing this for the Juniors, as we were helping them earn some money. What I didn't like: Pastel covering my hands with colours!!!
Thank you for reading this blog post and I'll see ya later!😁